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Infections from Bite

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Bites from humans and animals frequently become infected. Bites from’s have a higher risk of infection because the teeth puncture more deeply. Dog bites also have a risk of infection and may cause larger lacerations. Human bites frequently become infected and can occur from punching someone in the teeth during a fight.

Wild animal bites have a separate risk of rabies. Rabies is a viral infection and humans who contract the disease become very sick and die. It is always recommended to see a physician immediately after any type of animal or human bite for proper treatment.

Tetanus is a bacteria which causes muscle tightness and people can die due to difficulty breathing. A tetanus vaccination is good for 5 to 10 years. This should always be updated during a bite, burn, or other injury.

Once the bite is evaluated by a doctor, antibiotics or other medicines may be provided. Some bites will require stitches to close properly. Many injuries will cause swelling and bruising for several days. Patients who have additional risk factors include those with diabetes, immune deficiencies, or broken bones.

Talk with your doctor right away if you have any bites.

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