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Understanding about Appendicitis

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The appendix is a small piece of the large intestine located on the right lower side of the abdomen. It does not have a major function indigestion, however it can become infected causing serious problems.

Once the appendix is infected, it will continue to grow and become inflamed. People who do not have proper treatment, such as surgery, may develop peritonitis which occurs when the appendix bursts. This occurs when pus, blood, and food particles spill into the peritoneum and can result in shock or death.

About 5% of all people will develop appendicitis during her lifetime. Healthy, active people develop this problem without any warning. Sometimes the symptoms are very vague and may have a dull pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, or difficulty having a bowel movement. Some patients may think it is from exercising too much or eating a heavy meal and choose to ignore it. However, the pain continues to get worse.

Appendicitis can also occur in pregnant women, making it even more difficult to determine. Young children and elderly adults are at a very high risk of complications because the symptoms may go unrecognized for a longer period of time.

 The only cure for appendicitis is surgery. Pain medications, antibiotics, and home remedies do not work unfortunately.

If you have any symptoms of abdominal pain, fever, or vomiting, you should immediately discuss your symptoms with your doctor or go to the nearest emergency room.

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