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Brief about common skin disease (Acne)

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Acne is a common condition that typically develops in teenagers, but can also affect adults. There are different causes for acne depending on the patient's age, skin tone, and overall health conditions. The American Academy of Pediatrics in May 2014 created some general guidelines for children and teenagers who develop acne.

The initial recommendations include over-the-counter products including benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These medications are to keep the skin clear with very few side effects.

Prescription medications include Retin A products. These are derived from vitamin A and accelerate the skin’s natural cell turnover which is designed to unclog pores over time. The side effects may include skin irritation and dryness.

Some acne is actually caused by bacteria. In these cases, oral antibiotics are used for months or years to suppress bacterial overgrowth.

For some teenagers, oral contraceptives such as birth control actually help to regulate hormones and clear up common acne.

 If you have acne, you should talk with your pediatrician or family doctor about the treatment options if the over-the-counter regimens are not working for you.

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